Therapy Room Services


Massage Therapy

Massage Therapist: Rebecca Hann
Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Reiki Master

Massage Therapist: Christina Witter
Licensed Massage Therapist, Certified Reiki Master

For centuries, massage has improved body function, calmed the mind, and soothed the soul. Massage is indicated as a primary treatment for many conditions that affect soft tissues. It is used extensively as a support strategy for a wide variety of medical conditions. One of the key benefits of massage is that it reduces stress and helps the body rest, recover, and find balance by countering the sympathetic nervous system’s response to stress. Stress management is important in the movement towards wellness. 


Massage Options:
Please select the modality and duration that best suit your needs. All Therapeutic Massages may include Hot Stones, Cupping, Reiki and Chakra Balancing based on your individual needs.

Sports Massage
Uses the same techniques as many other massage systems but is differentiated by an emphasis on particular muscle groups related to the sport. It is used to help athletes prepare for optimal performance, prevent injury, and recover effectively from strenuous physical effort. Studies demonstrate that massage reduces the discomfort associated with DOMS (delayed-onset muscle soreness) muscle pain, soreness, and stiffness felt 12-24 hours after exercise. 

Well-being Swedish Massage
Relaxing, long movement techniques used to manipulate soft tissue. Often used for stress reduction and to promote relaxation. 

Deep Tissue Massage
Deep tissue techniques aim to work the deeper fascia and muscles of the body to release adhesions and restrictions. 

Myofascial Release
Fascia is a connective tissue found throughout the body at both superficial and deep levels. Fascia is a sheet-like membranous structure that wraps around muscles and organs, allowing them to slide past each other. Fascia also binds muscle fibers together. When fascia is in a healthy state it can move and stretch without restriction. When it is unhealthy in an area due to injury, trauma, or repetitive stress, it becomes tight, constrained, and sticky, restricting movement and causing pain. Myofascial approaches aim to release restrictions to decrease pain and restore movement. MFR involves sustained pressure and friction techniques to the areas of fascial restriction. 

Trigger Point Release
A trigger point is a “hyper-irritable spot in skeletal muscle”. The continuously contracted knot in the muscle fiber stops blood flow at the trigger point, starving tissue of oxygen and nutrients. Metabolic waste and toxins build in the area causing pain, tension, and spasms in the muscle. TPR involves compression to the affected area, followed by soothing strokes to aid the body in repair and recovery. 

Hot Stone Massage
Hot stone massage is a specialized treatment integrating heated smooth volcanic stones throughout a therapeutic massage session. The warm stones are moved around your back and body. Hot stone massage helps soften muscle and target tight areas, allowing your therapist to work effectively. Our stones are sanitized and carefully heated for each treatment.  * Hot stone massage is not recommended if you are pregnant, have high blood pressure or diabetes.

Cupping Therapy Massage
Cupping therapy is a style of “ancient” alternative therapy. Silicone cups are used to create suction on the body, creating a vacuum that allows the cups to stay attached. This vacuum is intended to pull out toxins and get fluids moving through the body. In Chinese medicine, this stagnation (lack of fluid movement) of energy is believed to be the root cause of pain and health imbalances. Breaking up stagnation allows blood, lymph, and energy to move more freely in the body. Nerves are stimulated, which produce a calming effect on the nervous system. Cupping increases circulation to the skin and muscles, promoting tissue health, and helping to alleviate related chronic pain. 

*Mild bruising and redness are expected.

*Reiki can be added to Massage at no additional cost.

90 minutes - $90
60 minutes - $65
45 minutes - $50
30 minutes - $35

(3) 60 min @ $60 each = $180 SAVE $15
(3) 90 min. @ $80 each = $240 SAVE $30



“Universal Life Force Healing Energy”

Reiki (pronounced ray-key) is a Japanese clearing and healing therapy. Practitioners are trained to detect and alleviate problems of energy flow in the physical, emotional, and spiritual level. Reiki is used to heal physical and mental trauma, and to support mental clarity and overall well-being and happiness. 

Reiki Therapists may use a light laying on of hands, no-touch, or visualization techniques, with the goal of improving the flow of energy in your body. It has no relation to any religion and is used by many cultures throughout the world. It is perfect for all ages and stages, babies to seniors! Let our certified Reiki Masters clear and heighten your energy, and help heal your chronic and acute issues.

Private sessions available.

*Reiki can be added to Massage at no additional cost.

30 minutes - $35
60 minutes - $65


Chakra Balancing

We must change our energy to change our lives. Chakra Balancing is the process of restoring balance and aligning an even flow of energy throughout the body to restore harmony. The word ‘CHAKRA’ in Sanskrit translates to “WHEEL”.  

There are seven main Chakra Centers in our bodies. When these centers become unaligned, energy blockages occur and our centers become unbalanced. When this happens, both our bodies and our lives are likely to be out of balance as well. Some examples are chronic illness, chronic pain, being stick in a relationship pattern, addiction, anxiety and depression. When your Chakra energies are out of balance, it will eventually manifest itself as a problem in your physical, mental emotional or spiritual body. 

During a Chakra healing, our Certified Chakra Masters will assess whether your Chakras are balanced and open. You will be given guidance and education on ways to keep your Chakras open and aligned. Your body’s ability to heal is greater than anyone has permitted you to believe. 

Studies have shown us what stress can do to our bodies. Our cells react to everything our mind says. Disease is not linear. Healing is not linear. It is hard to really pinpoint the benefits of balancing Charka Energy because everyone responds differently. Our problems and solutions are individualized, dependent on our past experiences and current situations. Each client will be assessed and treated for a unique healing session. 


30 minutes - $35
60 minutes - $65