Yoga for Mind Body & Soul

Y3 studio is a hub for community wellness and healing, located on the Square in historic Milan, Ohio. With an "East meets West" philosophy, our practitioners integrate various wellness modalities including Yoga, Physical Therapy, Massage Therapy, Qi Gong, Aromatherapy, and much more! Please visit our services menu and explore what we have to offer in our Therapy Room and Yoga Studio.

We are open to people of all ages, levels, and abilities. Whether you are new to Y3 or a returning client, our instructors and practitioners are here to guide you on your journey to total health. We want you to feel comfortable and know that you will be accepted for who you are. Our main goal is to provide a peaceful, safe, and judgement-free space where all can explore.

What is Namaste?

“Namaste” in yoga means, “The divine in me honors the divine in you” or "the light in me honors the light in you.” At the end of a class, an instructor may bow his or her head and say “Namaste”. Students are encouraged to bow their head, reply “namaste”, “thank you”, or sit in silence. You are always encouraged to do whatever makes you feel comfortable. 
